Odey Hariri
This website has a lot to offer, I ask you to orient your device to portrait or find a larger screen. You won't be disappointed.
Odey Hariri
November 2022 - September 2023
Sail Talks is a website that I created on my own that acts as a tool to instruct and learn how to sail. It works by giving the instructor a virtual whiteboard to replace the physical whiteboard chalk talks for sailing. The user can drag and drop boats and marks, pause and play movement and allow the instructor to easily teach a lesson fast and interactively. This is a never done before concept, in which the students can join on their phones and can each control and sail one boat virtually. This allows for the students to practice what they are taught off the water. Find it at sailtalks.com.
The website was developed in HTML, CSS, and JS and I learned and improved my website development skills through the process. I also worked on a lot of entrepreneur skills by starting my own "business" for Sail Talks. Sail Talks is currently spread through the midwest conference college sailing teams and a partnership with US sailing is currently in the works. I have created social media for the website to try to increase usage of the software.
August 2023 - September 2023
Currently being worked on.
The project is to help visualize how hard a car is braking in front of you. This will help increaese safety, reduce gas consumption, and ease mental fatigue. It will work by having several lights on the rear window of your vehicle that will showcase levels of how hard the car is breaking. It will work by tracking the decceleration speed of the car.
November 2019 - June 2020
This project is a 3D printed structure with a stepper motor and servo that spins the combination lock and unlocks it. The motors are controlled by an Arduino with a breadboard as well as a 12 V battery. The code allows the user to input the combo of the lock and then it spins the motor to the precise position (with the use of a encoder) to unlock the lock and then the servo lifts up on the shackle. I learned a lot about the iterative design process because I ended up 3D printing more than 10 parts to try to get the pieces to align. I also learned a lot about programming with an Arduino and this is where I learned C++ online to help me. Here is the Link to the video of the prototype working. (I CADED all the parts using Autodesk Inventor)
May 2021 - August 2021
This project is currently being worked on. I have completely CADed the assembly of the parts and I am working on 3D printing all the parts. This lightsaber uses a DC motor to extend and retract very quickly, unlike any other spring lightsaber. The motor will spin a tape measure roll that will extend the blade up very quickly and then retract it very quickly. Here is a Link to a video of the Prototype. In this video I am using a Polarity Switch to turn the spur gears that will be used to turn the tape measure roll, the switch is used to change the direction of rotation to retract and extend the blade. In this prototype there are bearings, axles, motors, 3D printed gears and chassis. I have been working a lot on the project to get it work, but it will need to take some more iterations. This prototype looks different from the CAD images because I currently don't have access to the CAD files. For this project I used my own 3D printer and had to learn how to optimize it to make this prototype work. (I CADDED all the parts for this project in Inventor)
December 2021 - January 2021
This project has only been designed and will probably stay just as an idea. I have only created a CAD assembly of the skateboard and the idea is that there is a piston that your foot pushes down on and it rotates the back axel of the skateboard to apply motion. This project idea was mainly to help me practice my assembly skills in CAD. (I CADDED almost all the parts in Inventor)
December 2022 - May 2022
For this project I came up with the idea of basically creating a RC car that would have a magnet on it so that it could drive across the whiteboard. I designed and 3D printed a chassis that would hold two continuos servo motors, two wheels, battery source, transmittor, magnet, and a arduino nano. This would be controlled by an RC controller to the car. The car would drive over the whiteboard and you could draw a birdseye view of the race course and drive against other RC cars. This is still in the build phase because I have learned it is very difficult to find a proper magnet strength and motor power so that the car could stay against the wall but also surpass the kinetic friction of the whiteboard
September 2021 - November 2021
This project was a way to solve unlocking my dorm without a key. Instead I would use a fingerprint sensor to unlock the door from outside my room. Once scanned, it would move a servo on the other side of my door and move the deadbolt and unlock the door. The system worked by using a servo mounted to the door and a 3D printed attachment to hold on the deadbolt and rotate it to both the lock and unlocked position. Pictures of the system can be seen below.
July 2023 - September 2023
You are currently viewing my website portfolio, however this is my second one which used to be https://odeyhariri.github.io/ I learned a lot from my first one and improved it dramastically to showcase my accomplishments and projects. I have come a long way with website design and my first webiste portfolio was actually the first website that I have ever created. Through that experience I learned how to code using HTML, CSS, and JS.
May 2021 - August 2021
This project has just been designed and will be hopefully created in the future. This CAD shows a Laser sailboat that has two powerful stepper motors that will control both the rudder (steering) and the sail (force) by using ropes and pulleys. This project idea was mainly for the purpose of allowing me to practice my CAD skills, specifically assemblies and creating real world objects. I also began posting my CAD design on GrabCad to help other people use the parts I made (I posted the pulley's and the sailboat specifically). (I CADDED almost all these parts in Inventor) - 2021
December 2021 - May 2021
Indiana School For The Blind And Visually Impaired. The project in this EPCS class was to create an image capture device that would take picture of the students work that they drew on a white board, and allow them to add color filters and save images of their notes. , I was on the mechanical team, where I had the role of CADding the XY table which was a movable whiteboard table that made it easy to zoom in at certain areas of the board. In one semester we created this prototype that I helped CAD, manufacture and design. I 3D printed parts, laser cut parts, and assemble them together. This is a Link to a video of the prototype we created. I learned a lot about CAD design with other people, and laser cutting parts out of acrylic. -2021
September 2020 - November 2020
Electric Vehicle Event Infrastructure. The project in this EPCS class was to create a stationary bike that would be able to create electricity when a user was riding the bike. On this team I was on the design/mechanics team and I helped manufacture 3D printed parts and assemble the generator and bike system using plywood. The prototype uses a generator and belt system that powers a light tower that has LED strips. And in one semester we built this prototype and this Link takes you to a video of someone being able to power the LED lightower while riding the bike. For the LED tower I programmed the Arduino for the light pattern on the tower. I created a CAD assembly of the entire system and the image above is the orthographic of the prototype in Inventor.
September 2019 - March 2020
In highschool I was on the robotics team and my team competed in the FTC challenge all through highschool, but in 2020 we qualified for the World Competition (canceled because of COVID-19). I was the build leader of the team and had a significant role in designing and creating the robot. The main purpose of the robot was to stack scaled up lego blocks as high as possible, as well as place an object at the top of your tower. A short video of how much our robot was able to do is shown below. It was a great time desinging this robot and learned a lot about design and manufacturing. It competed in many competition and we were able to get first place in the Rhode Island State Competition.
Systems Engineer Intern
May 2023 - August 2023
Autonodyne is a software drone company that helps with simple mission planning for military use. In the internship I worked on the systems side and I gained a great experience with drones and the aerospace industry. I worked on serveral things including a grenade dropper that was a revolver magazine that shot six M40 grenades one at a time. I also worked on building an autonomous RC fixed wing, and designing and created a small drone that would be dropped out of a bigger drone in flight. The entire team also worked on a swarming drone project that was using the software to allow one user to control 15 drone easily. For this project it would be tested at Tyndall Airforce base in florida and I actually traveled there with the team to work on the project for a week.
Mechanical Engineer Intern
May 2022 - April 2023
I worked at BWXT as an intern from August to September of 2022. For this internship I had gained a DOE-L Security Clearance and was working in the Non-Destructive Evaluation Group. In this group I worked with mostly Ultrasonic Immersion testing and help design transducer probe mounts and build an entire UT scanner system that was small and portable. I learned a lot about UT scanning and its usefullness for the company. I was also able to help develop a invention for UT aid. We are currently in the process of filling the invention as a patent for the company and therefore I am working part time to help with filing it.
Engineer Intern
July 2019 - August 2019
I worked at NUWC as an intern from July to August of 2019. This was a competition project based internship where each group was trying to build the best underwater ROV that would be able to grab small tennis balls in a deep tank. We were given a budget for certain materials and were tasked to build the whole system from the ground up. My team was actually able to win the competitoin and we were each given a Rasberry Pi.
Sailing Instructor
June 2021 - August 2021
I worked at Greenwich Bay Sailing Association as an instructor for children between the ages of 10-16 and taught them how to sail a small dinghy boat. Earned my Level One Instructor license and worked in a classroom environment and on the water with a powerboat to go through practice drills.
Undergraduate Student
August 2020 - May 2024
Purdue University
Highschool Student
September 2016 - July 2020
North Kingstown Highschool
Advanced Coursework
December 2018 - April 2020
New England Institute of Technology
Completed coursework in Engineering, Game Development, Marine Technology, and Computer Aided Design
Sailing is one of my biggest passions and I have over a decade of experience. I started learning sailing when I was eight at a summer camp and continued to go for every summer after that and then began to teach sailing when I was 17. I now own a small Laser dinghy sailboat and I am the practice coordinator of the Purdue Sailing team. I have sailed competitively for more years and have a lengthy resume of regattas I have competed and the Purdue sailing even qualified for Nationals last year for the first time in the school's history. I love sailing and my passion for it has moved to many aspects of my life and is a big reason I created Sail Talks.
Motivation is important for me to do what I do, without motivation the work I do would not be quality work. I find motivation in what makes me happy and people. Finding what makes you happy can be difficult, but it is fun to explore things that make you excited and forget what time it is. And people are important, making good relationships, helping others, and supporting the people you love is what I believe movitaves me. I have been working on what motivates me and it is changing every day, but I believe right now that creating things, designing, and making is something that makes me happy and that I can make into a job or a business. Making my family proud and helping people by solving problems pushes me to keep working and become succesful. However, I think everyone has different motivations and they are always changing, but once you figure them out you can be more confident in what actions you make on a daily basis.